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"Never give up for Something we Want! "

Monday 13 August 2012

Pemanah Rampa Menua (Giam Bidai, Ulu Niah)

Bidai Waterfall Ulu Niah

This is the fifth time I'm go to the waterfall. It's located at land development by NCR Project named Niahmas Istimewa. Located far inland, it's about 4 hours from the city of Miri, but the place is still getting visits from the outside community. The terrain  space smooth stone with the some sand will stick over your foot when you track. Apart from my grandmother, this place is a wilderness before and hill rice cultivation areas. After over 30 years, a company taken the land shared with the villager to develop the land with oil palm agriculture. 

Actually, there has 4 waterfall (Giam) in Iban language was located here. Giam Bidai, Giam Pala, Giam Kapal dan Giam Marau.You will through Giam Marau to reach the other waterfall. But, the popular one is Giam Bidai. Maybe it's big, high and rapid flow of water and suitable for playing slide :) By the way, each giam' has a story and history how the villager put the named to the waterfall. I will mention two; Giam Pala and Giam Kapal. 

According to the Iban origin story, Giam Pala get the named because of many heads of decapitated enemies are put there when the first war Iban (head-hunting) during colonial British. The villager believe that the heads has a spirit. This situation causes peoples do not want to come escape to hunting and fishing. I'm also never. But, for the environmentalists and wildlife protection, this place is suitable to visit. Hole inhabited by fierce and hungry crocodiles, porcupines, anteater, bear, rattlesnake and more.  The first come to visit, at least you know the rule to reach of this place to avoid any accidental. Guide from the villagers maybe the best way for your journey. :)

Giam Kapal located between Giam Bidai and Giam Marau. Giam Kapal  get the name from the ancient story there's a ship anchored in the heart is failing, sank and turned to stone. If you visit this giam' you'll see the space of giam' liked the ship shape. Some of the state mention the ship came down from heaven. Some of them mention the ship own of lately British colonial. The thing leave the question where the ship come. But now, change the world and other people ignore this matter further with the spread of Christianity, people believe that the God who created the whole face of the earth and the universe is amazing.

It is sufficient when you able to set foot in this place. Far, but fresh and beautiful. Breath with your full of heart, relaxing and you will see the different when you come. Have a nice journey to all... :)

Thursday 2 August 2012

Permyjaya Congestion

Miri, sebuah bandaraya maju dan membangun daripada minyak dan gas serta hasil Bumi yang lain. Kini saya menjalani Latihan Industri di salah sebuah pejabat kerajaan Pentadbiran Bahagian Miri selama 2 bulan. Kos hidup yang tinggi di bandaraya ini berbanding bandar-bandar lain di Sarawak dan juga di seluruh Malaysia nyata setiap hari sebagai rutin harian saya. Selama dua bulan saya menjalani praktikal, saya tinggal bersama saudara saya di Bandar Baru Permyjaya. Nama dah bandar baru, maka, semuanya mestilah baru. Orang pun baru dari segi mentaliti, perrlakuan, budaya dan adat resam.

Permyjaya diduduki semua kaum di Sarawak terutamanya kaum Bumiputera seperti Iban, Orang Ulu dan Cina merupakan kaum majoriti. Saya tidak dapat mengulas lanjut mengenai demografi penduduk di sini kerana migrasi penduduk yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan pertindihan serta perancangan yang kurang efisien berlaku.

Gambar di atas bertarikh 03/08/2012 yang saya sempat shoot ketika dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja. SESAKNYER! dahulu jalan ini cuma dua hala sahaja kira-kira dalam tahun 2007. Semua orang tahu bahawa Permyjaya akan membangun dan meningkat jumlah penduduk, kenapa kontraktor seperti Shin Yang  tidak terfikir lebih awal untuk membina jalan raya yang lebh besar bagi menampung jumlah kenderaan yang semakin hari meningkat dan bertambah? Lagi persoalan, minyak berlambak, Miri pengeluar utama, tetapi jalan raya yang dibina masih ada kekurangan. (hurmmm)

Bagi Projek menaiktaraf jalan ini kontraktor syarikat Shin Yang mengambil alih. Tender tak pasti. mungkin dua-dua dia ambil alih.... banyak juga projek syarikat ini... dapat ke siap dengan memberi kepuasan kepada pengguna? or sekadar siap? tetapi kesesakkan masih berlaku.......