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"Never give up for Something we Want! "

Saturday 25 January 2014

Rumah Panjai Aku: Tuai Rumah Changgai Ak Dali Ulu Niah

" Di Mana Bumi Dipijak, Disitu Langit Dijunjung" 
"In The Earth's stepped on, there greeted Sky"

Enter the year of 2014, with new vigor and determination, everyone certainly has the desire, especially the middle age. But most of what I have noticed in the present youth are left home when the arrival of the new year and looking for a job in the city.Does not matter what the job, promised to stay in town and enjoy the atmosphere of the city.Rather than me, i was a temporary count. If the question ask me "Where are you want to live never end?" of course i'm answered; "My  Hometown, Longhouse Rh Changgai, Ulu Niah"

This village (menua) built around year 1960s through by Late Longhouse Late Chief named Ranggong and 7 of his friends ( Late Dali, Late Tugang... ) name of other's will be update later. Their origin location is from Menua Lama (Skrang, Ulu Layar, Entabai, ..etc) to migrate and seek a new settlement. My late grandfather; Tugang Gait is migration from Mukah division together with other villager. 

Now, my village is more develop rather than over a year ago. The main economic source is from oil palm privately owned by the villagers. The palm planted at their owned land under the NCR Project. This project located 2 to 4 kilometer from the longhouse. My Longhouse divide into two. The main and new house. The picture below showed the new house of the family that leaving their big family. There 60 family staying here. 98% is Iban and rest is Malay, Penan, Chinese, Kenyah, Kayan, Bugis and Malanau. 99% religious of Christian followed by Muslim and Non-religion.

This is picture inside of the longhouse. 100% made from natural wood. The roof and draft of the longhouse is made from square pieces of tebelian woods. The chief of the longhouse stay at the middle. The longhouse management helped by sapit tuai rumah and other community member. The responsibility of the member is to protect the welfare and security of the villagers. Every un-conducted matters will be deducted into penalize in terms of mata duit  or based of discretion of tuai rumah.

By 1990s, this village still can describe into awkward a bit. No electricity, no communication server, in-paved road and most of the villager still believe to the superstition. The deadly ceremony taken in 3 until 4 days to respect the family of the deceased. In the period, no once cant go out to do their farming activity. If it is violated, one misfortune would befall to the person. Nowadays, this culture still practices but manage in terms of modernity and Christian 

The picture on the right is new house of the 
family. No sadau built for new house. Just 10 family member staying at here. In late 1990s, the water source is depend on the water from the rain. If dry season along only until 2 or 3 week, the villager will faced a problem of water source. Now, government committed with supply the tank water to every family at the longhouse. But, the villagers still use the river for bath, cleansing and watering plants. Today's, the water pipe facility still develop in my village. 

The economic income mostly from the palming. Before 1998s only few of villagers planting the palm oil. The number increase year by year and 95% of the villager privately planting at their own land. The average weight from their palm can reach until 20 ton per month. But the up down market price sometimes cannot determine the actual monthly income. Now, the palm oil is only the economic source of the villager. Through as villager life, their can buy anything such as cars and houses. The picture on the right showed the one of the main transport to pick the bunches to factory. Let's i share to reader the impressive version of my village never end even though there such many development bring by new generation. The visitor can feel the different while visited especially during celebration of Gawai Antu, Gawai Dayak and Christmas. A far from inland, about one and half hour from Miri city, 14hours by express bus from Kuching City... this place is always in my heart :)